Monday, May 12, 2003

My Mix Tape: Slate takes note of the recent meta-merchandising of famous rock acts putting together compilation CDs for distribution and purchase (the idea being if you like the artist, you'll like his/her/its picks). So the question comes to us: what if by some magic machine, you could cull your favorite tracks from virtually any published artist, say for free, and then put those tracks on a tape...or even a CD (hey, someday the technology might exist), and then *boom* you have an instant mix of your favorite tunes, without the hassle of buying each entire album? Well, if the eggheads over at Microsoft ever figure this out (because I'm sure it will take billions of R&D money to develop such a device; not any kid in his garage could possibly invent this), then here's what I would put on (12 tracks, plus a bonus "hidden track" - I'm not putting it in any particular order as I don't have all day...really): 1. "Blue Monday" - by Flunk; 2. "Party Hard" - by Andrew WK; 3. "I Would Die 4 U" - Prince; 4. "Knives Out" - Radiohead; 5. "Dancing Days" - Led Zep; 6. "Remind Me" - Royksopp; 7. "The Garden" - G'N'R; 8. Bombs Over Baghdad - Outkast; 9. "Superstitious" - Stevie Ray Vaughn live version); 10. "Dear Prudence" - Fab 4; 11. "There Goes the Fear" - the Doves; and 12. "She Sells Sanctuary" - The Cult. *Bonus Track* - "Such a Night" - The King.

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