Monday, July 07, 2003

Liberia: So Taylor agrees to check out, but we're still expected to send a "peacekeeping force."
President Bush has repeatedly made Taylor's departure a condition for sending a U.S. peacekeeping force.
I realize the situations are different, but if we take the Iraq situation as exemplum, aren't we supposed to go in when the root of the problem refuses to get out of the way? The reason for going into Iraq was that Hussein presented a threat to U.S. security (yes, that's debatable, but there was a case to be made, which there's not in Liberia) and that no amount of diplomacy or threat would remove the problem, Saddam himself. Now we're to go in after diplomacy has done the job it's supposed to? So it's a peacekeeping operation instead of a war. It still cost big money, puts American lives at risk, and put us in a situation that could become a "quagmire."

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