Monday, July 07, 2003

The future is now: Thanks again to Arts & Letters for this amusing peek into the year 2000 from 1960. All-in-all, it's not too shabby. Some things it got right: faxes, supersonic flight, rayon undergarments and the microwave (or a close approximation). Some things it got wrong: energy sources (like big oil was going to disappear), synthetic fibers everywhere, and city planning. My favorite is that even 40 years later, they didn't think we'd be able to "circumnavigate[] the moon in a rocket space ship". Moreover, there's this strange fixation on our anticipated ability to not only predict the weather, but control it. How? Well, by laying down a sheet of oil on top of the ocean and igniting it of course! The computer is not at all forecast, instead sheets of rolled paper with holes in them give instructions to machines. Oh, and we all have giant heads with atrophied bodies.

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