Thursday, July 03, 2003

EU: How the hell the Franks and Huns are ever going to deal with the US is a true mystery. They can't even deal with the Italians. First, the German should have known not to disparage Berlusconi. Like an Italian is not going to rise to the challenge? Second, Europe has to get over its collective snit that the pro-Bush PM of Italy is getting a spin in the EU power seat. Grow up. This is manufactured twaddle, meant to embarrass Berlusconi and punish Italy for supporting the Iraq war. (Note the mention, here, that Schulz "admitted he had set out to provoke Berlusconi.") As far the post-war "mending fences" goes, Old Europe still shows no signs of wanting to re-stoke their US relationship. For them, a thaw in relations necessarily means Colin Powell, hat in hand, showing up to admit that the Iraq invasion was wrong. The Bush administration is shrewd enough to know this, just as they know that, to Democrats, being "bipartisan" means capitulating to the left. You juat can't win with socialists.

If this is "union" I can't wait to see European discord.

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