Monday, December 02, 2002

More on the Raineses: This morning, local radio host (on a music station, no less) was touting, on the air, a "civil rights" organization she works with - something to do with prison reform. (Okay, yes, I live in Massachusetts. I should be used to this now.) Her "cause" was a moral crusade, old-school civil rights like the reverend doctor practiced. What I've seen of the prison-reform cause in America leads me to believe two things: 1) cramped workout rooms, limited cable TV access, and lumpy meatloaf gravy are cruel and/or unusual; 2) the people who protest this crap have never seen how a prison functions in, oh, say, Cuba - a place my radio host might admire. This is nutshell Rainesianism - heavy breathing about injustices of the minor-annoyance variety, ham-fisted moralizing, and the kind of tsk-tsking that seems unbecoming of real liberalism. And the cause of actual civil rights, in the areas where improvement is still warranted, is sullied each time one of these baby-boom Sojourner Truths reaches to don the social justice mantle.

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