Wednesday, June 18, 2003

Food and fashion: As someone who's gotten into nearly violent arguments over the wearing of flip flops, I can tell you no amount of criticism or snarky comment will shake these people from their belief that it's not only acceptable fashion, but you must be living in 1950 if you don't agree. I do own flip flops, and if you've ever lived in a house with three roommates and a couple dogs you know why. But every thing has it's time and place and people who treat beachwear as appropriate for anything else are mentally unstable and should be avoided.

Now the Olive Garden, I'll tell you, is something else entirely. Boy, until you've sat down to an entire meal of not just lettuce, but lettuce w/ RANCH DRESSING, you just ain't eaten yet. And gee, if you want more breadsticks you can just ask for them. Stuff some in your briefcase and feast away for hours until you're backed up like Atlanta traffic during Race Week. Or stuff yourself silly with entire pans of la-zon-ya while the kids at the next table urinate in the (fake) potted plants and get their diapers changed on the table before the Death by Chocalate arrives. All right, I'll shut up now so as not to poach on Razor's ranting privelages.

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