Thursday, June 19, 2003

Kourageous Kerry: Loved your excerpt of Kerry's words of wisdom. Basically he's saying: "The result was obviously good, and everyone can agree on that, but because the decision was risky and bold, I'd hate to be associated with it." Like you said, nuclear or biological attacks on the U.S. wasn't the reason we went in. Yes, it was fuel to the fire that Bush was stoking, but we all knew that Saddam was too much of a risk, because, we really didn't know what he was doing, and that reason alone was enough to go in - certainly in light of what he had done in the past. Meaning, Saddam was due to do something crazy and better to cut his legs out before he got a head of steam. The only real problem I have with what we did is the hypocrisy inherent in denying that we did it in part because we knew it would be relatively easy, as opposed to say, North Korea, and because the spoils would be immense (no one can deny having an oil rich country where we can set up rent-free bases wasn't a major factor). Still, "I'm glad Saddam Hussein is gone."

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