Thursday, March 27, 2003

Larry Miller: I was working out late last night and caught the re-broadcast of Politically, whatever Bill Maher's recent HBO show is. The show was taped on Mar. 21. His guests were Tim Robbins, Connie Rice (the attorney/activist, not the Nat. Security Advisor), and Larry Miller (who has been on before). You can well imagine what Robbins was talking about, and Rice was pretty much there with Tim except when they moved to the Oscars as a topic. Anyway, Miller, who is so good in writing for The Weekly Standard, is actually quite weak live and in person. Sure, he was funny, but he's very hesitant and a bit slow on the uptake in terms of asserting himself. It's a shame, because it would have been good to see some balancing of the Robbins/Rice act.

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