Thursday, February 26, 2004

Stern the cash cow: As a footnote to my first post, the radio station I worked with who carried Stern wound up dropping him because it was only marginally profitable at best, and not worth the hassle. This was in New Orleans, which, despite its Mardi Gras reputation, is a rather conservative place in many respects, so there were some protests, never very big, but annoying nonetheless.

Now take a look at the cities where Stern got the boot.

The stations where the Stern show is carried by Clear Channel are in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Orlando, Louisville, Pittsburgh, Rochester, N.Y., and San Diego.
Not exactly Stern country, I'd guess. I think CCC is trying to score cheap points with Big Uncle, while canning Stern in markets where the financial impact is negligiable. I'm not upset by the censorship angle, both of you have covered that nonsense, but by the hypocrisy of Mark Mays, who once stood at my desk giggling like a 12 year old while we listened to "the rising tide of indecency on the airwaves..."

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