Monday, December 15, 2003

Hard work: What a weekend. Iraq is a big place, and it took a long time to find him, but I did it. Just got sick of all the yapping and speculating about "The Butcher of Baghdad" so I decided to go help out. Sorry for the lack of blogging in the meantime, but national security was at stake. And reelection.

Before I return to semi-regular posting, though, I have to run down this lead from Robert Musil.

FURTHER UPDATE: This is still preliminary. But if reports of Atta/Saddam/Nidal/Niger/Uranium/al-Qaeda connections hold up, it looks like they'll be singing "It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas" early, often and with extra brio this year at the White House.
That, plus final exams. Nothing compared to crawling down all those spider holes, though.

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