Monday, April 07, 2003

Chin-less: One of the longest-running acts in NY finally lowered its curtain for the last time. That's right, Vincent "The Chin" Gigante cops a plea to having feigned his mental illness these thirty years in an effort to avoid incarceration. He gets three years in, then three years of parole. Plus, he's already serving 12 years for a 1997 beef. This is regretful. Nothing was better than watching clips of him wandering around his neighborhood in a ratty bathrobe, mumbling to himself. Of course, and this is just me talking, having to act like that for all these years had to have been, in a sense, its own prison. With the methods law enforcement can use to snoop on you, it's hard to ever feel safe in letting your guard down and you essentially put yourself in a jail of your own making. Anyway, bravo.

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