Monday, November 03, 2003

Zell's choice: Zell Miller will vote for W. He gives personal and political reasons, but it comes down to this:
I find it hard to believe, but these naive nine [the democratic candidates] have managed to combine the worst feature of the McGovern campaign--the president is a liar and we must have peace at any cost--with the worst feature of the Mondale campaign--watch your wallet, we're going to raise your taxes. George McGovern carried one state in 1972. Walter Mondale carried one state in 1984. Not exactly role models when it comes to how to get elected or, for that matter, how to run a country.
Those closest to us usually know us best, and Zell knows these guys inside and out. How embarrassed they must be that he can't muster the stomach to endorse any of them, even as a "least-worst" candidate.

But here's the big qusetion: is this really salt-of-the-earth stuff from Miller, or does it portend a flip across the aisle? The Republicans would welcome an addition to the family and maybe Zell smells an opportunity. I don't know anything particular, but politicians are loathe to make such a bold statement without it serving a larger purpose: their own.

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